You are filled with flora and fauna, also water, air, earth and fire. “You are a natural world!”
People are concerned about the natural world and what’s happening to it everywhere. But if they started to look at themselves as a natural world, then they might begin to say:
- “If my natural world is going to be maintained, to be healthy & robust, then my environment needs that. I am a part of that environment.”
- “Instead of saving the world for humans, I see myself as a part of nature. I am the flora/fauna of a bigger organism.”
- “What is my part in nature? What do I need from it?”
- “I need clean, healthy food, clean and healthy air and water! I need my environment to be free of pollutants.”
The mistake we make is we do not think of ourselves as flora and fauna. We perceive ourselves as different. “So we are separate.”
Reconnecting with nature.
If people understand themselves as flora and fauna, including the elements, this offers them new potential.
People feel if they reconnect with nature, they will feel good or better than before. But when they go away or home, they go back to their old situation.
With this different perspective of seeing oneself as flora and fauna, which is nature, you have a more profound connection with the self, no matter where you might be.
I am flora and fauna: my gut biome speaks of this! I am nature, I am the natural world, I am never separate from it!