Terms of Use – communications, service, materials and events.
We are serious about our work. It has been developed over many years. It is watched by many ancestors, to whom we are also accountable to.
This service and information is shamanic, channelled and facilitated. You hereby agree to consult a doctor or qualified therapist before considering or actioning any insights, suggestions or advice shared, perceived or inferred.
If you use any material published or shared, attend any workshops, live events, web or communicated events, you hereby release from liability and indemnify and hold harmless: Brad Dunn, Caroline Allinson-Dunn, Wild Plains Medicine, Wild Plains Medicine Circle, MindBody Constellations, Ancestral Healing and any of it’s facilitators, employees, contractors, Directors, students and fellow participants representing or related to any service, insights, communication, workshop or event. This release is for any and all liability for personal injuries, death, emotional disturbances, property losses or damage occasioned by, or in connection with any activity or accommodations for work, and information related to Brad Dunn, Caroline Allinson-Dunn, Wild Plains Medicine, Wild Plains Medicine Circle, MindBody Constellations, Ancestral Healing (including Brad Dunn and Caroline Allinson-Dunn.)
You hereby agree to take personal responsibility in each moment for your own personal well-being.